This is quite often operation, however, this is also a most asked question - "I just broke a build by my commit, how can I rollback my changes ?" The answer is simple, but you just need to use command line svn client instead of your favorite IDE-embedded one. Let's say, you just comitted an updated version of and it broke the build. How to rollback quickly ?
1. Navigate to package folder:
cd com/myapp/bullshit
2. Check current revision of broken file (let's assume, the current broken revision is 500):
svn info
3. If required, ensure that previous revision is the correct working file:
svn diff -r 499:500
4. Get back the previous revision of the file:
svn merge -r 500:499
5. Commit file and fix the build:
svn ci -m "I fixed the build"
And in some cases, you'd want to rollback entire trunk or folder - in this case, it it easier to do the following actions:
1. Delete current folder or trunk:
svn delete svn://
2. Restore deleted folder by copying appropriate revision from history:
svn copy svn:// protocol://svnserver/some/
where 24 - is a proper revision number you want to make current.